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<p>Der Head Coach der Seattle Seahawks Pete Carroll wendete sich im Rahmen des NFL Newsletters an die Fans des Sports. In diesem Brief sprach Carroll über die nahende Football Saison, einen von den Seahawks gedrehten Lernfilm, der allen das einzigartige Tackling System näher bringen soll. Weiters beschrieb er, dass die Seahawks das Spiel so hart wie möglich spielen wollten, jedoch nur mit Schulter- statt Kopf-Einsatz.</p> <p>Der englische Original Brief:</p> <blockquote> <p>Hey Football Fans -</p> <p>Football season is quickly approaching and, like you, we couldn’t be more excited. There truly is nothing like this time of year!</p> <p>It has been a full offseason for us, and within the last month, we were very pleased to release a 20-minute film teaching our unique tackling system, one that emphasizes “taking the head out of the play.”</p> <p>Our defense has become known for toughness and physicality, and we’re proud to share the ways we’ve done it in a safe manner.</p> <p>We are passionate about maintaining the physical part of football while emphasizing safer techniques that feature shoulder tackling. We want to play the game as tough as it is meant to be played, while also making it safer through a renewed emphasis on taking the head out of play.</p> <p>Our players have totally owned this thought. They understand the game can be played at a championship level without using the head. We are seeing this change throughout football at all levels, advanced in part by USA Football and its Heads Up Football program, which the Seahawks and the NFL proudly endorse.</p> <p>Our coaching staff put together a film to show our tackling system. Inspired in part by rugby techniques, we’ve taught this system for the last four years with the Seahawks and since our days at USC. We found our “shoulder-tackling” style to be successful in the NFL and college and wanted to share it with you.</p> <p>If you are a parent, we encourage you to make sure your child’s coaches are teaching the proper fundamentals and are certified by USA Football. Check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to learn more.<br />Best wishes for a great season.</p> <p>-Coach Carroll</p> </blockquote> <p> </p> <p> </p>

Ein Brief von Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll

Der Head Coach der Seattle Seahawks Pete Carroll wendete sich im Rahmen des NFL Newsletters an die Fans des Sports. In diesem Brief sprach Carroll über die nahende Football Saison, einen von den Seahawks gedrehten Lernfilm, der allen das einzigartige Tackling System näher bringen soll. Weiters beschrieb er, dass die Seahawks das Spiel so hart wie möglich spielen wollten, jedoch nur mit Schulter- statt Kopf-Einsatz.

Der englische Original Brief:

Hey Football Fans –

Football season is quickly approaching and, like you, we couldn’t be more excited. There truly is nothing like this time of year!

It has been a full offseason for us, and within the last month, we were very pleased to release a 20-minute film teaching our unique tackling system, one that emphasizes “taking the head out of the play.”

Our defense has become known for toughness and physicality, and we’re proud to share the ways we’ve done it in a safe manner.

We are passionate about maintaining the physical part of football while emphasizing safer techniques that feature shoulder tackling. We want to play the game as tough as it is meant to be played, while also making it safer through a renewed emphasis on taking the head out of play.

Our players have totally owned this thought. They understand the game can be played at a championship level without using the head. We are seeing this change throughout football at all levels, advanced in part by USA Football and its Heads Up Football program, which the Seahawks and the NFL proudly endorse.

Our coaching staff put together a film to show our tackling system. Inspired in part by rugby techniques, we’ve taught this system for the last four years with the Seahawks and since our days at USC. We found our “shoulder-tackling” style to be successful in the NFL and college and wanted to share it with you.

If you are a parent, we encourage you to make sure your child’s coaches are teaching the proper fundamentals and are certified by USA Football. Check out to learn more.
Best wishes for a great season.

-Coach Carroll



Lesezeit: 2 min

Der Head Coach der Seattle Seahawks Pete Carroll wendete sich im Rahmen des Newsletters an die Fans des Sports. In diesem Brief sprach Carroll über die nahende Football Saison, einen von den Seahawks gedrehten Lernfilm, der allen das einzigartige Tackling System näher bringen soll. Weiters beschrieb er, dass die Seahawks das Spiel so hart wie möglich spielen wollten, jedoch nur mit Schulter- statt Kopf-Einsatz.

Der englische Original Brief:

Hey Football Fans –

Football season is quickly approaching and, like you, we couldn't be more excited. There truly is nothing like this time of year!

It has been a full offseason for us, and within the last month, we were very pleased to release a 20-minute film teaching our unique tackling system, one that emphasizes “taking the head out of the play.”

Our defense has become known for toughness and physicality, and we're proud to share the ways we've done it in a safe manner.

We are passionate about maintaining the physical part of football while emphasizing safer techniques that feature shoulder tackling. We want to play the game as tough as it is meant to be played, while also making it safer through a renewed emphasis on taking the head out of play.

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Our players have totally owned this thought. They understand the game can be played at a championship level without using the head. We are seeing this change throughout football at all levels, advanced in part by USA Football and its Heads Up Football program, which the Seahawks and the NFL proudly endorse.

Our coaching staff put together a film to show our tackling system. Inspired in part by rugby techniques, we've taught this system for the last four years with the Seahawks and since our days at USC. We found our “shoulder-tackling” style to be successful in the NFL and college and wanted to share it with you.

If you are a parent, we encourage you to make sure your child's coaches are teaching the proper fundamentals and are certified by USA Football. Check out to learn more.
Best wishes for a great season.

-Coach Carroll



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Alexander R. Haidmayer - Experte für Football und Gründer von FootballR.

Alexander R. Haidmayer ist ein angesehener Experte im Bereich Football und Gründer von FootballR, einer führenden Plattform für Footballnachrichten. Seit 2013 ist er mit Leidenschaft und Fachwissen in der Welt des Footballs tätig und hat sich einen Namen als Experte auf diesem Gebiet gemacht.

Neben seiner Rolle als Gründer und Eigentümer von FootballR ist Alexander R. Haidmayer seit 2006 auch als Mitarbeiter bei der renommierten Kleinen Zeitung tätig. Diese langjährige Erfahrung ermöglicht es ihm, fundierte Einblicke und exklusive Informationen aus der Footballwelt zu liefern.

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