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<p>Als die Detroit Lions kurz vor Ende des Spiels in Ballbesitz (3rd und 1) und noch 3 Punkte gegen die <a href="nfl-teams/dallas-cowboys">Dallas Cowboys</a> vorne waren, feuerte Stafford einen Ball Richtung Pettigrew. Ergebnis eine Flagge wegen Pass Interference, allerdings wurde die Flag und somit auch das Foul aufgehoben. So wurde aus einem neuen 1st Down ein 4th Down. </p> <div class="video-container"> <iframe class="vine-embed" src="" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> <div class="video-container"> <iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <h3>Wie erwartet wurden die Ref's diesbezüglich gelöchert</h3> <p>Hier das ganze Statement</p><p> Archer: Can you talk about the decision to overturn the call and why you overturned the call?</p><p> Morelli: The back judge threw his flag for defensive pass interference. We got other information from another official from a different angle that thought the contact was minimal and didn’t warrant pass interference. He thought it was face-guarding.</p><p> Archer: Which official?</p><p> Morelli: The head linesman.</p><p> Archer: What did you see?</p><p> Morelli: It’s not my responsibility. I’m a hundred miles away.</p><p> Archer: Face-guarding is not a foul?</p><p> Morelli: Face-guarding is not a foul. It is a penalty in college but not in professional football.</p><p> Archer: What is the process you go through after you announce the call? Should you have waited before you announced the call?</p><p> Morelli: Probably, yes. The information came and then the officials got together a little bit later, after it was given to me, the first information. It would have probably been smoother if we got together.</p><p> Archer: Do you remember this type of player happening before?</p><p> Morelli: No, not particularly.</p><p> Archer: So one more time on who the person was that had a better view?</p><p> Morelli: The better view was from the head linesman.</p>

Der Turningpoint im Spiel Cowboys vs Lions

Als die Detroit Lions kurz vor Ende des Spiels in Ballbesitz (3rd und 1) und noch 3 Punkte gegen die Dallas Cowboys vorne waren, feuerte Stafford einen Ball Richtung Pettigrew. Ergebnis eine Flagge wegen Pass Interference, allerdings wurde die Flag und somit auch das Foul aufgehoben. So wurde aus einem neuen 1st Down ein 4th Down.

Wie erwartet wurden die Ref’s diesbezüglich gelöchert

Hier das ganze Statement

Archer: Can you talk about the decision to overturn the call and why you overturned the call?

Morelli: The back judge threw his flag for defensive pass interference. We got other information from another official from a different angle that thought the contact was minimal and didn’t warrant pass interference. He thought it was face-guarding.

Archer: Which official?

Morelli: The head linesman.

Archer: What did you see?

Morelli: It’s not my responsibility. I’m a hundred miles away.

Archer: Face-guarding is not a foul?

Morelli: Face-guarding is not a foul. It is a penalty in college but not in professional football.

Archer: What is the process you go through after you announce the call? Should you have waited before you announced the call?

Morelli: Probably, yes. The information came and then the officials got together a little bit later, after it was given to me, the first information. It would have probably been smoother if we got together.

Archer: Do you remember this type of player happening before?

Morelli: No, not particularly.

Archer: So one more time on who the person was that had a better view?

Morelli: The better view was from the head linesman.

Lesezeit: 2 min

Als die Detroit kurz vor Ende des Spiels in Ballbesitz (3rd und 1) und noch 3 Punkte gegen die Dallas Cowboys vorne waren, feuerte Stafford einen Ball Richtung Pettigrew. Ergebnis eine Flagge wegen Pass Interference, allerdings wurde die Flag und somit auch das Foul aufgehoben. So wurde aus einem neuen 1st Down ein 4th Down.

Wie erwartet wurden die Ref's diesbezüglich gelöchert

Hier das ganze Statement

Archer: Can you talk about the decision to overturn the call and why you overturned the call?

Morelli: The back judge threw his flag for defensive pass interference. We got other information from another official from a different angle that thought the contact was minimal and didn't warrant pass interference. He thought it was face-guarding.

Archer: Which official?

Morelli: The head linesman.

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Archer: What did you see?

Morelli: It's not my responsibility. I'm a hundred miles away.

Archer: Face-guarding is not a foul?

Morelli: Face-guarding is not a foul. It is a penalty in college but not in professional football.

Archer: What is the process you go through after you announce the call? Should you have waited before you announced the call?

Morelli: Probably, yes. The information came and then the officials got together a little bit later, after it was given to me, the first information. It would have probably been smoother if we got together.

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Archer: Do you remember this type of player happening before?

Morelli: No, not particularly.

Archer: So one more time on who the person was that had a better view?

Morelli: The better view was from the head linesman.

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Alexander R. Haidmayer ist ein angesehener Experte im Bereich Football und Gründer von FootballR, einer führenden Plattform für Footballnachrichten. Seit 2013 ist er mit Leidenschaft und Fachwissen in der Welt des Footballs tätig und hat sich einen Namen als Experte auf diesem Gebiet gemacht.

Neben seiner Rolle als Gründer und Eigentümer von FootballR ist Alexander R. Haidmayer seit 2006 auch als Mitarbeiter bei der renommierten Kleinen Zeitung tätig. Diese langjährige Erfahrung ermöglicht es ihm, fundierte Einblicke und exklusive Informationen aus der Footballwelt zu liefern.

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